Are you looking for someone to help you with your uncontested divorce in San Jose or Santa Clara, San Mateo, or San Benito Counties? People looking for uncontested divorce help usually turn to divorce attorneys for help in this area, but often these attorneys typically use a paralegal to prepare the actual paperwork for the uncontested divorce. Why use an attorney then? You don’t have to.
Interestingly enough, in California, you can actually prepare your own divorce paperwork, as there is no requirement to hire a divorce attorney to prepare your uncontested divorce. This is why using a legal document assistant (LDA) or legal document service may be a viable, less expensive, alternative to using a divorce attorney to prepare and file your uncontested divorce paperwork.
Of course, if you have a complicated case or are not in agreement with your spouse, an experienced family law attorney may be a better option for your case as they can provide you with legal advice and appear with you at court hearings and conferences throughout the process.
What if I need legal advice for my uncontested divorce in San Jose and California?
While using a legal document service is a viable and less expensive alternative to using a divorce attorney to prepare and file your uncontested divorce paperwork in the state of California, a Legal Document Assistant is not able to provide any legal advice. With that said, it is important that when you choose a legal document service to help you prepare and file your uncontested divorce paperwork, that you choose a service that has a lot of experience and associates with several divorce attorneys in the community so that you can have more options throughout your divorce process from their associations.
Our divorce service associates with several very well-known and respected divorce attorneys who are available to meet with our clients, should they need legal advice during their contested or uncontested divorce. The goal is to work as a team in order for you to get the advice you need, so that in turn you can provide our service with the appropriate information required to prepare and file your uncontested divorce paperwork. Of course, if you and your spouse are in complete agreement and know how you would like your uncontested divorce paperwork prepared and filed, then we can work with you, at your direction, to move forward.
Our goal is to make the entire process of preparing and filing your uncontested divorce paperwork, as smooth and easy as possible, and ultimately eliminate any unnecessary stress, as well as making the process as affordable as possible. Call or email us today for your free initial consultation to see if having our service legal document service prepare and file your uncontested divorce paperwork, make sense for you. 408.885.9795 or info@